About Custom China brown Handbag:
Although a Handbag/shoulder bag is an accessory in the strict sense, its status in women's items has been getting higher and higher in recent years. On the one hand, because of the needs of women's styling, on the other hand, they also benefit from their practicality. On different occasions, different Handbag/shoulder bags can well show the personality and attitude of women.
To clean the Handbag/shoulder bag:
1. Protein liquid decontamination method: Use a clean soft cloth dipped in protein liquid to wipe so that it can decontaminate and make the surface of the leather bag shiny without damaging the leather surface. Protein liquid can be bought in general supermarkets. If you don't have it at home, you can use egg white instead.
2. Vaseline decontamination method: first wipe lightly with a damp cloth, then apply a layer of petroleum jelly, and then repeatedly wipe with a soft cloth, so that the surface of the leather bag can be as bright as new.
3. Slowly wipe with a wet towel dipped in toothpaste, or wipe it with Fengyoujing and fresh banana peel. You can try it on the unobvious part of the leather. The effect is good.
4. Leather bags are most afraid of getting wet and hard and the leather surface will be scratched. If you accidentally make your bag dirty or soaked in water, dry it with toilet paper or towel as soon as possible and then dry it with a hairdryer at low temperature.
Custom China brown Handbag
China Nextop&GA is a professional Handbag/shoulder bag supplier, fashion accessories manufacturers. We are committed to treating customers with integrity and quality, thus winning a group of loyal customers.
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